Your application must include the following:
- A 500 word proposal describing your plans and ideas for the exhibition
- Resume (one page)
- Artist or curatorial statement (one page)
- Please list one (1) reference with contact information
- Images or Video
- Ten (10) images related to proposed exhibition in 1000px high (variable width), 72dpi, JPG, RGB
- Three (3) videos, each of which can be a maximum of three (3) minutes long. Accepted file types include Mp4, AVI, MOV, MPG. Only moving images, i.e. time-based media, video, kinetic art or documentation of performance art, should be submitted as video files. Videos of still artwork or documentation of artistic process will not be viewed.
- Completed image or video list
We have three different exhibition spaces, please consider this in your proposal.
Gallery I - $4,000 (August ONLY)
Gallery II - $3,900 ($3,600 for A.I.R. NY, Adjunct, and National Members, or August Dates)
Gallery III - $3,900 ($3,600 for A.I.R. NY, Adjunct, and National Members, or August Dates)